Power Retail

Power Outages Medically Dependent Consumers Pricing and Payment Terms & Conditions Complaints Customer Care

Pricing and Payment

We make our pricing simple, there are only two prices for your electricity.


Low User Variable 0.295689
Standard Any time 0.415689


Low User Variable 0.295689
Stardard Any time 0.415689

Other fees that will be applied 

Meter Lease Depends on MEP
Other fees Disconnection or reconnection fees when applicable
Line charges Depends on Network
EA Levies As per published schedule on EA website

Payment Options

We strive to make payment easier for you by offering the following methods of payment:

  • Flexible contract terms – you will need to talk to us about contract terms
  • Monthly payment dates that work for you – within reason we can arrange for your due date to be assigned to meet your pay schedule or requirement.
  • Prompt payment discount – Platinum Power offer prompt payment for residential customers.
  • Smooth pay options – to assist with budgeting, averaged annual costs
  • Direct debit - where the total amount of your bill is automatically paid from your bank account
  • Internet banking, automatic payment and cheque.
  • Credit card payments (at Platinum’s discretion and may incur a processing fee)
  • Arrangements for WINZ payments where you have an agreement with WINZ

Prompt payment discount:

Platinum Power Retail offers a range of prompt payment discounts. Please contact us or check your bill for more information regarding the discount that applies. Prompt Payment Discounts are calculated on the subtotals of your bill and are subject to rounding. Prompt Payment Discount cannot be applied to all fees, these include but are not limited to disconnection and reconnection fees, account credits and meter replacement service changes.

Getting your bill to you:

We can send your bill to you via email or post – just let us know how you’d like to receive them.

Direct debit form:

We can send you a direct debit form if you require one. Once you have received the form, just complete the required details and post it back to us or if you are setting up a bank direct debit, you can email the completed form to info@platinumpower.co.nz

Please note that all direct debit applications need to be returned by post not via email.

Internet and Phone banking

If your bank doesn’t already have Platinum Power Retail Ltd as a bill payee you can set it up yourself using our bank details noted on your invoice. Please use your name and customer number as a reference so we can identify your payments.

Direct Debit and credit card payments

If you have decided to pay by direct debit or credit card, please let us know and we will provide instructions on how to do this.

Platinum Power Retail Ltd bank details 

Our bank account details are noted on our invoice.  When making a payment into our account please ensure that for you provide your name in the particulars field.  In the reference field please include either your Platinum Power Retail Ltd customer number (noted on your bill) or if setting up your account for the first time use your ICP number.

Smooth Pay

SmoothPay ‘averages’ your annual electricity costs to smooth out the amount you pay. With Smooth Pay we will send you a monthly bill as usual, you make regular payments of the same amount by direct debit.  We will review your account regularly to ensure the amount you are paying is relative to your usage.  Just give us a call, and we can arrange this over the phone.

NOTE: Special terms and conditions are provided in relation to Direct Debits and Smooth Pay.  We will provide these to you if you require these options.